TCM Acupuncture
Traditional Chinese medicine TCM is a complete medical system that has been used to diagnose, treat, and prevent illnesses for more than 2000 years. The ultimate goal of TCM treatment is the balance, yin and yang by promoting the natural flow of qi.
TCM acupuncture focuses on traditional philosophy, whereas western acupuncture first focuses on medical models and evidential diagnosis for treatment. At Bartlett Acupuncture, we like to think we marry these philosophies and utilize both so that we can treat people as individuals to obtain their health goals.
Dry Needling
Dry needling originates from ancient Chinese acupuncture practices, tracing back to the Ming Dynasty. Centering on the art of unearthing and alleviating trigger points, dry needling focuses on tense nodes nestled within muscle fibers, often imperceptible to the eye yet capable of unleashing referred pain in neighboring regions. Here at Bartlett Acupuncture, we seamlessly weave dry needling alongside traditional Chinese acupuncture, forging a potent synergy that promotes swifter relief from discomfort. Beyond the precision of needles, your acupuncturist may also employ an array of complementary modalities, each a vital thread in the intricate fabric of your acupuncture journey.
Cupping, an age-old therapy steeped in tradition, harnesses the power of suction to rekindle qi throughout the body's intricate pathways. A contemporary twist on this ancient practice extends beyond the realm of energy flow, now deftly dissolving fascial constrictions and muscle knots. In our holistic approach, we seamlessly integrate cupping therapy with acupuncture, creating a dynamic synergy that yields remarkable results. Skilled hands apply suction cups for an average duration of 10 to 15 minutes, effectively targeting pain, stiffness, and related concerns. What follows is an sensation akin to the a soothing massage, as our patients bask report relaxation and often a sense of rejuvenation.
Moxibustion, another ancient healing practice, revolves around the delicate art of igniting the fragrant mugwort leaves. This spongy elixir-like herb, wields its potent effects in tandem with acupuncture. With precision, we kindle the leaves, allowing their smoldering embers to warm the skin's surface. Moxibustion orchestrates an ebb and flow of vital energy in the meridians, sweeping away the excesses of heat and fostering a purifying detoxification. It promotes flow of qi, ushering in vitality and balance.